Think of this series as an online slam book, where we get to know our favorite people...
Age: 43
What was your first concert?
It was either The Ramones or the Grateful Dead. Either way I was definitely stoned out of my mind.
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Who was your biggest childhood crush?
Adam Ant. He was incredibly sexy, but he was also somewhat androgynous and wore makeup, so that mitigated the sexuality. One day my friend very thoughtfully brought me a poster of him from Tiger Beat where he was clean-faced, no makeup. I completely lost interest.
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Favorite book growing up?
This is almost impossible to answer. It would be much easier to list the handful that weren't my favorites. But I loved the Betsy-Tacy series, and the All-of-A-Kind Family series.
What's your best childhood toy-related scar?
I was given a choice of receiving either a Barbie doll or a Bionic Woman doll for a birthday present. I CHOSE POORLY.
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What's the best part of getting older?
This is a cliché, but giving less of a shit about what people think is definitely an upside to aging. Obviously, I care very much about the people in my life, but I no longer care so much about what people I don't know think about me. Realizing that not everyone is going to like you for whatever reason — and there's nothing you can do about it — is very freeing.
Andi Zeisler is the cofounder and editorial/creative director of Bitch Media. Her new book is We Were Feminists Once: From Riot Grrrl to CoverGirl®, the Buying and Selling of a Political Movement. She lives, drinks beer, and covets other people's dogs in Portland, Oregon.