We are the olds. 

Think what you want about this, whether you see it as a derogatory term or a badge of honor, most of us are over age 35, and a lot of the usual suspects (and by this we mean women's interest websites) refer to us as "the olds." 

Why is this a bad thing? 

We've lived through getting our first jobs, our first real homes, through our first big relationships and our first identity crises. Some of us have kids, and pets, and relationships. 

And some of us don't. 

What we all have in common is the sense we're under-represented online, and that's why we started MaxMA. We may be old, but we ain't dead yet.

There is some much ageist BS directed towards us women of a certain age. Just because you live past the age of 30 doesn't mean you stop caring about pop culture and beauty and style and women's issues. Plus, there's a whole other host of things that affect us as we age, our own parents getting older, our careers, our own kids starting high school and college and even getting married and having kids of their own. 

We're inclusive, intersectional, fun, smart and interesting. And old enough to know better. 

We bet you are too.


*DiSCLaImer: Maxmimum Middle Age is created lovingly in the spirit of 'zines from the '80s and '90s. You may find a stray typo, misspelling, or read something that makes you get all ragey which is kinda funny because ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ - if this happens, feel free to email us. We'll either reply and/or laugh at you. 

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